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Background and Purpose

INNO+ is devised as a part of the work on the Danish government’s innovation strategy. The strategy will make Denmark a country of solutions where innovative solutions to Danish and global challenges are converted into growth and employment. INNO+ is going to contribute to this.

International Evaluation of the Danish Innovation System

In September 2012 an international evaluation of the Danish innovation system was announced.

The evaluation contains a number of recommendations on how to strengthen the Danish innovation system.

Among other recommendations the evaluation suggests that the innovation policy should be driven more by demand and focused on specific societal challenges. 

The innovation effort will be focused

There is a need for identifying specific areas based on specific societal challenges in which there are especially favourable conditions for Denmark to strengthen growth and employment by focused innovation efforts.

There is a need for a solid knowledge platform in order to support a bigger strategic focus and prioritisation of the innovation effort. The Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education will therefore enter into a process until summer 2013 in which the Ministry, in cooperation with a wide range of societal operators, will devise and quality assure such a knowledge platform.

INNO+ is a counterpart to RESEARCH2020 in innovation policy

A range of initiatives that can serve as a framework already exists, e.g. the effort of the government’s growth teams and RESEACRH2020, for the prioritisation of the strategic research.

RESEARCH2020 identifies promising areas of research for Denmark in relation to growth, employment, and welfare, and serves as a foundation for inspiration – and prioritisation for the part of public research investments which are labelled strategic research.

Parallel to this, INNO+ will identify particularly promising areas of innovation for Denmark, on the basis of special Danish knowledge and commercial preconditions which can support increased export, growth and employment.

To be used widely as a source of inspiration

INNO+ is to contribute to an occupation of the public innovation investments from an output-oriented to a more demand-driven focus.

In this way, INNO+ is to be used as the basis for the prioritisation of the topics for the future societal partnerships. Furthermore, INNO+ is to function as a source of inspiration for a wide range of innovation players.

However, the strategic investments in innovation, which INNO+ are to serve as foundation for, are not to replace the broad effort in innovation policy that expands across societal fields.

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last modified January 11, 2022